Before the oats are turned into flakes, there are several stages in the process.

Fine Cleaning
The fine cleaning removes stones, metallic content, irregular grains and dust particles.
Thin oats are also removed and used for example as cattle feed.
Other grain varieties are removed to maintain the end product as pure oats as possible.

Husks are difficult for humans to digest. Husks are removed during de-hulling to prepare the groat for processing.
The husks are compressed into pellets that can be used for energy or animal feed.

Two-step optical sorting reduces cross-contamination from other grain varieties, discolouration, subtle spots and various foreign materials.
To prevent oat husks from appearing in the finished products, it is necessary to remove the unhulled oats.

Improves the taste and aroma, creates a nice nutty flavor and removes bitterness.
Improves the shelf life, min. 12 months for flakes and groats.
Inactivates fat-splitting and fat-oxidizing enzymes, Lipase and Peroxidase.
Improves digestibility through starch gelatinization which is especially important for instant and quick-cooking flakes.
Reduces the count of bacteria and germs, which helps to prevent microbiological issues from occurring.

Groat Cutting
In order to ensure uniformity in size, oats are chopped into smaller pieces.

Cut groats are steamed, and passed through rollers to be flaked, dried and packaged.